I just found out last Thursday that I got accepted into the Elementary Education program at UVSC. So two more years of school for me, but it will be enjoyable!
Casey and I recently went and bought a lawn mower and a weed wacker for our yard, so last weekend and this weekend it was fun getting out and getting the yard cleaned up. Our grass was getting so long that just our front yard's grass clippings had filled our whole garbage can! It looks good now that it is all cut. I am now planning on what I want to do with the yard this year. I do want to put in a garden, so I'll be starting a little one with green beans, carrots, tomatos and cucumbers. We have two big trees in our backyard, so I want to get a hammock to put out there.
On Saterday we had a bar-b-que at our house. Autumn and Doug, James and Charity and Al and Andrea all came. We had some good steaks and Autumn made a fruit pizza for dessert. The boys went up to play some War Craft and us girls got some scrapbooking done.
Ski Week Day 2
4 weeks ago