Last week Gavin turned 6 months old! It amazes me how fast the time has flown! We just had his 6 month check-up, and he did very well with his shots! He wasn't cranky or didn't get a fever, so that was nice! He weighs 12 lbs. 8 oz...which is a little small for his age. He wasn't even on the chart for percentile. The doctor was a little concerned, so he gave us another medication to try to help out with his throwing up. He was 25 1/2 inches in heighth, which is the 25th percentile. He is really working hard on crawling, so it is time to baby proof the house!

Oh he's so dang cute! It's so fun to see him when Barbara tends him. Enjoy the silence while it lasts. Just hope he doesn't turn out like our little stinkers.
You rock at taking pictures. These are so darling.
This is Nicki Johnson Morton (Kim Johnson's oldest sister from PG). Somehow, I found your blog through a friend of a friend (Jodee Luke had a link to "Taylors"...I thought it was someone else, but the page had a link to "Brynn and Casey". Anyway, I couldn't resist saying hello. We live in Milwaukee now, with three kids. Your baby is adorable. Jake said to say "hello" to Casey...they played soccer together. My blog is You might need permission to view it. If you want, my email is, I can send permission? How is Alisha? The rest of the family?
Cute baby, and cute blog title. How did you do that?
Picasa has a collage link and so that is how I did the photos, and then opened it in Paint and put the text in that way. It took forever!
These pictures are so cute. I can't believe your little guy is already 6 months old! And don't worry too much about his size, Jordan was only a little bit heavier at his 6 month appointment and he has been small, but healthy ever since!
Nice pictures, and I am so glad to see that you guys have a blog too!
Brynn - SO CUTE! Wow! I can't believe he's 6 months already. Time flies!
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