I had no plans to potty train Gavin anytime soon. But the other day, he kept taking off his pants and diaper, so I put him on the toilet, and he went potty. So I thought we'd keep trying this out. He is pretty funny when he is done going. If Casey is home, he'll run to Casey excited, because he knows Daddy will give him candy if he goes. He's doing pretty good, but part of his problem is that he can't tell me he needs to go, so I taught him the sign for "toilet", so that eventually when he does need to go, he can sign it. Now, he just uses the sign to get out of doing things, like going down for naps or cleaning up his toys. This may totally flop, but wish us luck!
Good Luck!!!!!!!!
That's pretty impressive, he's a boy and he's not even 2! Savanna asks to sit on the potty all the time but she never does anything except for waste half a roll of toilet paper. But yes, good luck!
I do wish you luck, because potty training was the bane of my existence. I think Miles is on his own when it's his turn. All my patience was used up with Bennett!!
I DO wish you luck, because potty training is the bane of my existence. I hope Miles is prepared to potty train himself, because all my patience has been used up with Bennett!!!
I DO wish you luck, because potty training is the bane of my existence. I hope Miles is prepared to potty train himself, because all my patience has been used up with Bennett!!!
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