It amazes me how fast the time has flown! Our little Kyson has had quite the month. The poor little guy caught that lovely cold that visited our whole family as soon as he got home from the hospital. As soon as he got over the cold, he got thrush. We didn't know he had thrush, and I just thought he was a little colic because he was so fussy. He is now on some medication, and it is great to have our happy baby back.
-Weighs 8 lbs 11 oz
-21 inches long
-LOVES to cuddle...which makes it hard to get him to sleep in his bassinett
-loves his swing
-loves the Baby Bjorn
-sleeps 3-4 hours a night (hopefully this will get longer!!)
-nurses and drinks from a bottle good
-loves his baths
-loves his binkie
-and the EXCITING NEWS...but I haven't captured it on camera yet...he smiles!!
Wow! That went fast! He really is a cutie. Thanks for the birth announcement. All of your photos of him are adorable.
He is so sweet. I was fun to hold him and love him the other day. Thanks for putting that dinner was so fun!
That is so sweet! Wow, I can't believe it has been a month!
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