I think this is the first year I wish Christmas would stay just a little longer. Usually I am ready for Christmas to be here, and be done. But this year it seemed extra special, and I didn't want it to end. I guess a part of it is because I have these two darling boys who seemed to love every minute of it and I had so much fun seeing them get so excited. I started putting some decorations away today and Gavin was getting mad because he wanted Christmas to stay. Well, here are some of the fun things we did:
The night before Christmas Eve, Gavin and Kyson get to open one present, which is their pajamas. We wear our pajamas all the next day and watch Christmas movies. I love the lazy day!

That evening we have a nice dinner

Then we head to my parents for food, presents and the nativity. Gavin was Joseph...

Kyson was a wiseman

Grumpy Joseph

Tired wiseman

We had fun opening gifts. Gavin got these cars and a car track. He LOVES it. Thanks Logan and Camille!

Kyson is our little builder.

We woke up around 7:30 hearing Gavin in his room playing with his cars he got the night before. We told him Santa had came and he went running down the stairs. He was so excited for his truck and Thomas presents. He didn't like the boring old clothes I got him. Kyson loved the easle and lego table. First thing he did when we got downstairs was he started coloring on his board.

Gavin loves his hamster. It is a girl, and her name is Friend.

We then went to Floyd and Barbara's and had a great time with family.

We were so excited to give Floyd and Barbara their presents. Casey built Floyd a computer that he has wanted for a while. He was so excited.

Barbara is reading stories to the grandkids.

Barbara made them bathrobes. Here is our cute little Kyson sporting his. He loved it and even went to bed in it.

"Sleeping" with all of his toys. We only heard the firetruck go off a few times!

We feel SO blessed to be able to give our little family a Christmas they can hopefully remember. We are so blessed to have Gavin and Kyson in our lives. We are so blessed to have wonderful family and friends who love and support us. We are so blessed for jobs that support us. We are so blessed for a beautiful home. We wouldn't have any of these things if it wasn't for our Heavenly Father who loves enough to bless us every day in our life. We hope you all had a good Christmas!
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