Today Liam went in for surgery on his right eye to remove the cataract. I got Gavin on the bus to go to school, dropped Kyson off at a friend's house who will take him to school and then dropped Adalyn off at Autumn's. Then we were on the road to Primary Children's Hospital. We got there at 9:30, and for the next hour and half we were moved from room to room getting him ready and talking to his nurse, doctor and anesthesiologist. Finally at 11:00 we walked with the anesthesiologist to the operating room doors, and there I handed my tiny baby to him and walked away. Casey and I read while we waited and about 12:20 Doctor Young came and talked to us and said everything went great! About 15 minutes later I was taken back to see him and there laying in this big hospital crib, hooked up to everything there lay my tiny sweet boy just a wiggling around. No cries, just lots of wiggles. They were having a hard time checking his oxygen because he was so wiggly, but as soon as mommy had him in her arms, he calmed right down and went to sleep. We then moved to the recovery room and Casey was able to come back and we sat for about another hour and half trying to get him to eat and give him some oxygen before we could get discharged. It took him about an hour to drink 2 oz because he was so tired. He's been a sleepy little guy and doesn't seem to be in much pain!
Ski Week Day 2
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Dr. Young is amazing! I love that hospital. We had such a great experience. We get to go back next week to get Jackson's stent out from his tear duct. So many great dr's to work with there!
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